Shippers, welcome to Top Flight Transportation, Inc!

freight brokersTop Flight is a fully bonded and insured transportation brokerage (see bottom of page for links to our bond, insurance, and authority).  We move our customer’s van, flatbed, and over-dimensional freight all over the United States and Canada.  Our exceptional staff of experienced brokers are available to help you today!  Please call 503.297.6272, our main number, and ask for dispatch.  Or, if you are already familiar with one of our brokers, they can be reached at their direct dial number.

New Customer Setup:

If you would like your company to be considered for credit terms, please fill out the single sheet credit application.

This application may be emailed to Katy Michel at or faxed to Katy at 503.419.2730. 

Top Flight’s Insurance Information:

freight brokers

To ensure our customer’s protection and to provide the highest quality service, we maintain an enforceable, signed broker-carrier agreement, current USDOT authority, and required insurance on all our carriers in our database of over 20,000 carriers.  This information is updated daily.

In addition, below you will find links to information and insurance certs for Top Flight Transportation.  Please let us know if you need anything else to set us up as an approved transportation broker in your system.  Thank you.

TF Bond

TF Authority

TF Information Page

TF W-9

Insurance Certificate (General, Auto, Cargo, and Worker’s Comp – Avalon Risk Management)

ITS Diamond Broker

We look forward to hearing from you!

General questions or comments? Fill out and submit the below form; you can expect a response within 1-3 business days. (For questions about an invoice, click here.)